TWBR Friends and Partners - Our friend Greg has started a site that allows you to download great workouts to train for all kinds of things from cycling to triathlons. Check it out.

A Map for Saturday - Our friend Brook made a documentary about long term travel and backpacking. This is a great movie, and although it is not available yet, keep your eye out as it is definitely worth watching. Click the link to go to his site and watch the trailer.

Other Travel Sites

Africa Overland - This site has served for much inspiration and help in planning for our journey. It is a directory of links for other overland adventures.

Harold Stephens - Enough said. If you do not know who this is, and you are surfing this need to read his book.

Sandcruiser - Our new friends Jocelyn and Steve have spent quite a bit of time driving and travelling around Central America and now reside in Costa Rica. We look forward to hopefully connecting and travelling together at some point along the expedition.

Jim Rogers - He is one of the pioneers, and another person who has inspired our journey. All of his books are worth reading to get some inspiration and learn a lot about world politics and economics in one of the most interesting ways possible...first hand while driving around the world. Start by reading Investment Biker or Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip.


Check out the rough route plan.

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